"Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these."
These June mornings are so much warmer than I would like them to be. I arose at 6:30 this morning to let the dogs out, slipped on my clothes, and sat on the patio where I read morning prayer. All the while, I was looking at the lilies in my garden and thinking about how nice the newly-mown grass looks. Today, I'm in flux between healing from a surgical procedure and wanting to get on with my summer tasks, but I find myself lacking the energy I usually have. Before I realize it, the weeks will have flown by, and it will be time to begin yet another academic year, one that holds much in the way of change and new adventures. But today, I sit and ponder the lilies.
Those lilies have a lot to teach me. Jesus was such a wise teacher, and every time I come to understand another idea that he wants his disciples to "get," I realize how blessed I am to see with the eyes of Spirit. Today, I want to be a lily, not toiling or doing "stuff" for the sake of doing it. All that does is add to the weary factor and the idea that I must be productive or I am not worthy.
But "worthy of what?" I ask myself. Why is it that life must be so full and crammed with stuff to do? I believe life offers us two approaches to doing, doing, and doing. There are those who give time and energy to tasks because they want to contribute a meaningful effort to the betterment of the world. Others do just to be doing. We find tasks to keep us busy when what we may really need is to sit in silence and admire the lilies and the green grass.
Of course, when we fill our lives with so much doing, we are feeding our Shadow. Perhaps our productivity can lead to golden shadow--when good comes out of the negative aspects of life--but why should we wear ourselves out? Aren't we worth so much more than that? Aren't we worth the time and energy and beauty that the lilies show us? They neither toil, nor spin, and yet, they are so lovely to behold.
Sit a while today. Enjoy the blue sky, the birdsong, the color in a garden. Soak up the wonders of creation and give yourself permission to not rush off to commitments that drain us dry. Lilies neither toil not spin, and yet...