Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Job: My Side of the Story

Here are two "new" poems--actually ones I spent a little time revising today. I found them in a stack of papers that I've been going through. The stack is getting considerably less, but finding a way to organize them has been interesting, to say the least.

Job: My Side of the Story

My children are gone; dead and buried
preceding their parents to the grave.
All my wealth swept away
like so much dust in the wind.
In the end, I could do nothing,
but put my hand over my mouth.

Life is damned crazy.
How could I be blamed
for wanting to cling to
one more shred of control?
My trust and innocence stolen
then the very definition of self
stripped away by questionable friends

Sometimes I wake at night
in a cold sweat
I dream that I am a ghost
haunting someone's house
A ghost walking through the evening
seeing my life floating as from above.

None of us can help
the tragedies that come to us in life;
but in choosing to leave
the scent of bitterness behind
I seek not to lose my true self forever.

Prophet's Vision

A wind
speak a word
a word of peace, of healing

make these dry
bones rattle

give a vision
of new flesh and sinew
of life returning
and then

speak the Word

Take in the life, be filled with
the Spirit of Yahweh

Go out, prophesy bones
like parched branches
in a desert landscape

waiting, waiting
for the breath
and the command
to rise from brown earth

to live once

1 comment:

  1. Janet--Thanks for checking out my blog and I am glad you directed me to yours. I really enjoyed this poetry. I don't know a lot about constructing poems but I like that when done well minimal words can be used to evoke strong feelings. You have achieved that in these two pieces.
