I've always heard that a closed door leads to new opportunities. There is a wistfulness about such a statement, evoking a "what if" or "what now" mood. This past week, at my initiative, the Saint James Center for Spiritual Development Board of Directors advised me to end that ministry in its present form. It became clear to me from the level of participation in the programs we offered recently that the Center needed to lay fallow for the present moment... to follow the ancient Israeli practice of the seven year Sabbath. The Center came into being in 2004, so it is appropriate to think of the Sabbath coming now. We will officially end our programs when we return from the trip to Ireland on June 16, 2011.
But what of new opportunities? Knowing it is best not to run from one frenzied set of activities to another, I am also aware that I want to keep my practice of being an anam cara, a spiritual friend, open to those who choose to join me on the journey to be Christ in this world. To that end, I have posted a webpage specifically for the work that most attracts me: being a teacher and soul friend. This work includes leading retreats and quiet days, and I am willing to talk with you if you find my work interesting.
I do sense a peeling away of layers. Like Longfellow's Arab, I am folding my tent and quietly slipping away. Let there be more of you God and less of me as I continue the journey with you. Help me to accept with grace the changes that come as part of life and to turn and turn again to your face.
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